Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care Curriculum Intent

Health and Social Care equips our students to discover the impact of positive and negative human development and how to critically analyse how these factors affect our day to day lives. The study of Health and Social Care enables students to explore academically and practically areas that influence how we develop throughout life stages and in turn raise expectations of how we can live successful and healthy lives now and in our future.

Within the Health and Social Care department at Blenheim we believe that there never been a more relevant time to study our subject. Our intention is to fully support and prepare students who want to work with, care for and help other people in their future careers.

Our KS5 Course provides students with the background knowledge and skills needed by someone who wishes to work with people in a health care provision capacity. We have an accomplished history of enabling our students to achieve the qualifications they need to build successful careers in the Health and Social Care sector such as; Teaching, Social work, Nursing and Midwifery and Paramedic science.

The KS5 Course is broken down into the following topic areas:

  • Human growth and development through the life stages
  • Major life events that affect development
  • The societal affects of the ageing population
  • The roles and responsibilities of people who work in the sector
  • The roles of organisation in the Health and Social Care sector
  • Ethical theories and principles 
  • Human Rights and Equality legislation
  • Physiology 
  • Barriers to accessing services
  • Safeguarding
  • Care values 

The KS5 Course is broken down into the following areas of assessment:

  • Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development – Exam (90GLH)
  • Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care – Exam (120 GLH)
  • Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support needs – Coursework (90 GLH)
  • Unit 14: Physiological disorders and their care – Coursework (60 GLH)

Useful Links

BBC News Health: Up to date news on matters of health and care provision in the UK

Guardian Health: Up to date news on matters of health and care provision in the UK

NHS: Detailed website with current information on conditions and treatment in the UK

Department for Health: Government website explaining changes to care provision on the UK

NHS Careers: information about how to access different types of work in the health sector

NHS Careers: test to identify which part of the NHS you are suited to

Pearson Edexcel BTEC National Diploma 2016 Specification

Pearson Edexcel GCSE Health and Social Care

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate

Course Details

This course has been designed for students who want a strong core of knowledge of the Health and Care sector, because they wish to work or go on to study further in a related area. 

Students will: 

  • Have practical experience from real-world assignments 
  • Take responsibility for your own learning 
  • Have a strong core base of knowledge 
  • Have real experience of effective teamwork 
  • Know how to work to a brief with set deadlines 
  • Efficiently manage time to complete tasks 

Students study the following content: 

  • Human Lifespan Development 
  • Working in Health and Social Care 
  • Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs 
  • Physiological disorders and their care
Link to course specification


Over the two years students study four units, and two units will be assessed internally and two externally. Student’s performance will be graded using a scale of Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*.

The qualification is equivalent to one A level.

Enrichment opportunities

Work experience in a care setting is highly recommended and supported as part of this course, as seeing a real-life care context will transform the way students learn and understand what is discussed at school. Previous students have volunteered on Dementia specialist wards at Kingston Hospital and in local care settings. Healthcare professionals such as CAMHS mental health workers and St John Ambulance volunteers, visit school to talk about their experiences of work and giving care. Class visits might be organised to specific care settings

Student quotes

“Health & Social Care was 100% worth studying as I've always wanted to work with people and in the healthcare sector. It's taught me a range of knowledge from the biological side of diseases to the impact of the NHS and how all this impacts upon people and their individual needs.

Studying this course has been key for me as it's helped me to discuss many different scenarios at interviews for university. From studying this course, I have developed both personally and professionally which have underpinned my decision to become a midwife in the future.” 


Employers, universities and trainers all contributed to the development of this course ensuring it results in an appropriate qualification for students who are considering working in Health and Social Care irrespective of whether they are planning to engage in higher education or entry-level employment such as apprenticeships. 

This BTEC qualification carries UCAS points recognised by higher education institutions and could be taken alongside subjects as A Level Biology or A Level Sociology.

Useful Links


Silver School Mental Health Award