
We are delighted you are considering Blenheim Sixth Form to continue your education and we look forward to sharing your future success.

Blenheim Sixth Form is in receipt of a strong Ofsted Report. Key areas of strength include the broad and balanced curriculum, the unique extended day, personalised career and academic guidance and the dedicated Sixth Form Team. It is this combination that has seen significant proportions of Blenheim leavers attend Russell Group Universities including Oxbridge, as well as undertake high level apprenticeships and exciting employment placements. Ofsted recognised that learners’ needs are well met and strong provision results in good outcomes with students being well equipped for the next stage of education or employment. We are delighted to see this provision continually develop and excited to watch new cohorts undertake similar journeys of success.

The ethos of our school community is ‘Team Blenheim’ and we pride ourselves on the opportunities we off er students, so that they develop into well-rounded people ready for the wider world and its challenges. This journey is shaped through weekly enrichment sessions and complemented by the Sixth Form’s volunteering programme. Other development opportunities include being part of the Student Leadership Team, becoming a Prefect, leading RAG week events, mentoring main school students and organising House events. These opportunities ensure that students give back to the community and learn the lifelong skills which are attractive to Universities and employers.

Our Sixth Form offers students the opportunity to join a vibrant community, with modern facilities, high quality teaching and a culture where potential and responsibility thrive. All students benefit from our bespoke Sixth Form study areas, a refurbished designated café and excellent access to ICT provision.

Students who make the decision to join Blenheim Sixth Form can expect to leave as well qualified independent learners, with strong cultural capital and a desire to achieve more than they first thought possible.

Fundamentally, our passion for academic excellence goes hand in hand with our belief in personal development ensuring students experience an inspiring Sixth Form journey and consistently become the best versions of themselves so they are genuinely equipped for the next part of their journey.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Mr A Scivener, Head of Sixth Form

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Silver School Mental Health Award