
Blenheim High School aims to ensure that:

  • Appropriate action is taken in a timely manner to safeguard and promote children’s welfare
  • All staff are aware of their statutory responsibilities with respect to safeguarding
  • Staff are properly trained in recognising and reporting safeguarding issues

When a parent or member of staff recognises there is a problem with a student in their group e.g. attendance dropping, becoming withdrawn, changes in usual behaviour, or known emotional issues – depending on the issue these concerns need to be discussed with the appropriate member of staff immediately.  Various interventions can then be put in place to support the student and/or family.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Roles and Responsibilities

Safeguarding and child protection is the responsibility of all staff, volunteers and trustees in the school and is consistent with the procedures of the three safeguarding partners as outlined below. Our policy and procedures also apply to extended school and off-site activities.

The following three safeguarding partners are identified in Keeping Children Safe in Education (and defined in the Children Act 2004, as amended by chapter 2 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017). They will make arrangements to work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of local children, including identifying and responding to their needs:

  • The local authority (LA) - Surrey County Council
  • A clinical commissioning group for an area within the LA - Surrey Downs CCG
  • The chief officer of police for a police area in the LA area - Tim De Meyer

Safeguarding Team

The DSL is a member of the senior leadership team. Our DSL is Mr Ben Cole. The DSL takes lead responsibility for child protection and wider safeguarding in the school. During term time, the DSL will be available during school hours to discuss any safeguarding concerns. Outside of school hours he can be contacted by email.

Email Mr B Cole

When the DSL is absent, the deputy DSL, Heather Peacock will act as cover Child Protection and Safeguarding. 

Email Mrs H Peacock

If the DSL and deputy are not available, the rest of the DSL team will act as cover.

The following staff are fully trained DSLs:

  • Mr J Lewis (Head of Year 7)
  • Miss H James (Head of Year 8)
  • Mr N Flaherty (Head of Year 9)
  • Mr R Jones (Head of Year 10)
  • Mr T Allen (Head of Year 11)
  • Miss A Armstrong (Assistant Headteacher- Head of Sixth Form)
  • Miss F Thomas (Assistant Head of Sixth Form)
  • Mr T Smithson (Assistant Headteacher- Pastoral)
  • Mr R Brooks (Assistant Headteacher- SENDCO)
  • Miss S Bird (Deputy SENDCO)
  • Mrs T Leon (KS3 Pastoral Facilitator)
  • Mrs M Topson (KS4 Pastoral Facilitator)
  • Mrs A McCreery (Attendance Officer)
  • Mrs L Acton (Pastoral Administrator)

For urgent concerns where a member of the Blenheim team cannot be reached, please call the Surrey Emergency Duty Team on 01483 517898 or call 999.

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy


All staff members will undertake safeguarding and child protection training at induction, including on whistle-blowing procedures and online safety, to ensure they understand the school’s safeguarding systems and their responsibilities, and can identify signs of possible abuse or neglect.

This training will be regularly updated and will:

  • Be integrated, aligned and considered as part of the whole-school safeguarding approach and wider staff training, and curriculum planning
  • Be in line with advice from the 3 safeguarding partners
  • Have regard to the Teachers’ Standards to support the expectation that all teachers  manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe environment and have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils

All staff will have training on the government’s anti-radicalisation strategy, Prevent, to enable them to identify children at risk of being drawn into terrorism and to challenge extremist ideas.

Staff will also receive regular safeguarding and child protection updates, including on online safety, as required but at least annually (for example, through emails, e-bulletins and staff meetings). Contractors who are provided through a private finance initiative (PFI) or similar contract will also receive safeguarding training. Volunteers will receive appropriate training, if applicable.

Notifying parents/carers

Where appropriate, we will discuss any concerns about a child with the child’s parents or carers. The DSL will normally do this in the event of a suspicion or disclosure. Other staff will only talk to parents or carers about any such concerns following consultation with the DSL. If we believe that notifying the parents or carers would increase the risk to the child, we will discuss this with the local authority children’s social care team before doing so. In the case of allegations of abuse made against other children, we will normally notify the parents or carers of all the children involved.


Bullying will not be tolerated at Blenheim High School and we operate a robust anti-bullying policy.

Blenheim High School is committed to ensuring all students and staff feel safe in the school environment.  We recognise that all students have the right to study and work in conditions which are free from undue anxiety, stress and fear.

Information has been put together specifically for both Parents and Students. Please click on the link below to view our Behaviour Management Policy.

View our Behaviour Management Policy

Seeking Support

If you are a student at Blenheim and feel you would like to discuss a concern with a member of staff please feel free to discuss it with any member of staff that you trust.  They will be able to reassure you and refer the matter on to the best person to resolve the issue for you.

Wellbeing and Pastoral Support

For full information about Wellbeing and Pastoral Support including Mentors, the Wellbeing Team, CAMHS and Further Support please visit our dedicated page below.

Wellbeing and Pastoral Support

External Support Services

Further Support for Parents

Silver School Mental Health Award