School Day, Uniform and Expectations

Here you can find detailed information about the school day including timings, typical activities, our Home School agreement and also the uniform and equipment requirements that we expect all students to meet. 

Times of the School Day

The school opening hours are 8.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday during term time. The typical school day runs from 8.40am - 3.10pm totalling 32.5 hours per week.

8.40am - 8.55am Registration/Assembly
8.55am - 9.50am Period 1
9.50am - 10.45am Period 2
10.45am - 11.10am Break 1
11.10am - 12.00pm Period 3
12.00pm - 1.00pm Period 4
1.00pm - 1.30pm Break 2
1.30pm - 2.25pm Period 5
2.25pm - 3.10pm Period 6*
3.10pm - 3.20pm Code Time
3.20pm - 5.00pm Year 11 and 13 Extended Day**

*Every other week during week B, school ends for students at 2.25pm.

**The Extended Day for Years 11 and 13 run from September - May of the Academic year Monday - Thursday during term time and students will be notified directly of the specific dates each year.

Classroom Behaviours

These behaviours help ensure maximum engagement from students.

Please and Shape image

Ten Blenheim Behaviours

Ten Blenheim Behaviours that every student can be great at



What does it mean? 

Famous quote 

Be punctual 

Arrive on time 

‘If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late’ 

Be prepared 

Be mentally and physically ready 

‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail’ 

Be self-disciplined 

Do what you need to do to improve 

‘Self-discipline is the starting point of greatness’ 

Have a good work ethic 

Work hard all the time 

‘The harder I work, the luckier I get’ 

Have a positive attitude 

Believe in yourself and your ability to do well 

‘A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes’ 

Be resilient 

Learn from your mistakes and bounce back 

‘Tough times don’t last; tough people do’ 

Be passionate 

Care about your work 

‘When your passion and purpose are greater than your fears and excuses, you’ll find a way’ 

Be approachable 

Trust and be open to advice 

‘Coaching is the universal language of change and learning’ 

Go the extra mile 

Go above and beyond 

‘Start going the extra mile and opportunity will follow’ 

Have positive body language 

Look like you want to do well  

‘Feelings are 55% body language, 38% tone and 7% words’ 


Sanctions - Detentions and Codes

The student learning experience at Blenheim will not be interrupted by misbehaviour. Blenheim has a crystal clear behaviour policy that ensures all students have an uninterrupted education. If any student chooses to misbehave a range of sanctions are applied. The table below details the various sanctions that operate.





Disrupting the learning of others, lack of effort, poor attitude to learning, out of seat without permission

Verbal Warning


Continuing to disrupt the learning of others, repeated warning behaviours

10 minute code to be completed at the end of Period 6


Continued behaviour that disrupts the learning of others or other significant disruptive behaviour may automatically trigger a B2

Student removed from the lesson to the department's 'Send to' room
20 minute code to be completed at the end of P6 and a 60 minute departmental detention that may be that day


Homework incomplete or not done

20 minutes plus a 30 minute subject detention


Uniform incorrect

10 minute code to be completed at the end of Period 6


Eating or wasting time in corridors, poor behaviour during break or lesson movement times

20 minute code to be completed at the end of Period 6


Mobile Phone Misuse

10 minute code plus confiscation for the rest of the day


iPad Misuse

10 minute code to be completed at the end of Period 6


Late mark in register (no matter how many minutes late are marked next to the ‘L’)

10 minute code to be completed at the end of Period 6


Equipment or P.E. kit missing

10 or 20 minute code depending on the amount of kit missing


B = Behaviour, H = Homework, U = Uniform, CB = Community Behaviour, L = Late, E = Equipment


Students ‘pay off’ all their codes each day after school from 3.10pm. If up to 20 minutes of codes have been accrued then these are paid off with the period 6 teacher until 3.30pm. If more than 20 minutes of codes have been accrued then students sit a Head of Year detention until the codes are paid off. If a student chooses to walk out of code time or fails to attend a Head of Year detention then the student is placed into the Reflection Room until 4.30pm the next day that they are in school. Insight (Parent gateway) is used wherever possible to notify parents where students have been kept behind after school.

Parents are advised to check Insight each day. Parents should note that school is not obligated to notify parents of detentions but endeavours to do so.


Where students accrue more than 3 codes for the same type of poor behaviour they are placed on the watchlist. Students on the watchlist receive a 60 minute, same day, Head of Year detention if they receive a code for the reason that they are on the watchlist. A student comes off the watchlist after 2 weeks so long as they do not a receive a code for the specific behaviour that caused them to be placed on the watchlist in the first place.


Main School Uniform

Blenheim, the correct wearing of uniform is important. There are several reasons for this including;

  • First impressions. Students don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.
  • Attention to detail. Emphasising this quality in everything that students do extends beyond the correct wearing of uniform to classwork and homework.
  • Pride. Students are expected to be the best version of themselves every day and to be proud that they are a member of our community.
  • Dress code. When students leave school and enter the workforce, they will be subject to some form of dress code. The correct wearing of school uniform prepares them for this.

Main School Uniform for All

  • Burgundy school blazer with school logo.
  • Plain white shirt (long or short sleeved) with top button fastened and tucked in.
  • School tie with striped house colour. The tie must be tied closely to the top button of the shirt. The school logo must be clearly visible.
  • Plain black polishable, businesslike shoes. Sports shoes, trainers, suede boots, backless shoes and high boots (including Dr. Martens) are not permitted.
  • Hoodies are not permitted and will be confiscated.
  • Black V-necked pullover (optional). Crew neck, polo necks and sweatshirts are not permitted.

Boys’ Uniform 

  • Black tailored school trousers. No baggy, corduroy or black denim trousers.
  • Belt – black.
  • Socks – black only.

Girls’ Uniform

  • Blenheim school skirt.
  • Girls may wear black tailored school trousers as an alternative to the skirt if they wish. No baggy, corduroy or black denim trousers.
  • Socks - black only. Socks should not be worn under or over tights. Over the knee fashion socks or leggings are not permitted.
  • Tights - plain black with no pattern or stripes.

Our school uniform provider is Stevensons in Epsom town centre and their website is Uniform can either be bought in their shop at The Old Spread Eagle, High Street, Epsom, KT19 8DN or ordered online. Tel. 01372 742411.

Our 10 Uniform Non-Negotiables

Students will be monitored for these by all staff throughout the day

  • Top button done up.
  • Shirt tucked in.
  • Blenheim logo showing on tie below the knot.
  • A short haircut where the scalp can be seen through the hairline is not permitted. Long hair tied back.
  • Skirts - burgundy band visible and logo showing.
  • No earphones/headphones.
  • Black polishable shoes.
  • No mobile phones to be seen during the school day.
  • No nail varnish or false eyelashes/nails.
  • One pair of small plain studs no bigger than 4mm to be worn in the lobe of each ear.

School Uniform Rules

  • The uniform should generally be smart and kept clear of graffiti.
  • Skirts should be just on the knee in length and showing the burgundy band and the school logo.
  • School bags should be plain navy or black small rucksacks or ‘record’ bags.
  • Hoodies are not permitted and will be confiscated.
  • Natural and discreet make-up is allowed.
  • Nail polish, gel, false nails, false eyelashes, nail foils or any other kind of nail embellishments should not be worn to school. 
  • Earrings – one pair of small studs no bigger than 4mm only to be worn in the lobe of each ear.
  • No other body piercings e.g. nose and tongue studs.
  • Rings, necklaces and bracelets should not be worn to School.
  • A watch with a deactivated alarm may be worn.
  • Hair of shoulder length or longer should be securely tied back at all times and should always be of a natural colour.
  • Hair ties should be plain and discreet. Hair accessories such as beak clips, beads and hair claws are not allowed. The Assistant Headteacher - Pastoral Lead reserves the right to make the final decision on what is an acceptable haircut.
  • Haircuts should not be extreme and in no circumstances should the scalp under hair be visible. Typically, this will mean the hair should not be trimmed below a grade 3 although this will differ from student to student. Parents are strongly advised to pay attention to haircuts. Students wishing to have a particularly short or extreme short haircut should do so at the beginning of a holiday period rather than the end. Skinfades, tramlines, hair patterns, mohawks, and shaving parting lines are unacceptable and will result in significant sanctions.
  • Tights should be plain black - no patterns or stripes.
  • Socks (long or short) should not be worn under or over tights.
  • Over-the-knee or calf length socks are not suitable for School.
  • Trainers, boots (including Dr Martens), backless shoes and high heels are not allowed.
  • Leggings or skinny black jeans/cargo trousers are not to be worn to School.

Physical Education Kit

Boys’ P.E. Kit (clearly named)

  • Unisex Blenheim burgundy polo shirt with school logo
  • Unisex Blenheim black PE shorts with school logo
  • Blenheim long football socks OR plain black sports socks
  • Appropriate trainers for sports activities
  • Football boots with moulded blades or moulded studs
  • Shin pads and gumshield
  • Blenheim tracksuit bottoms with school logo
  • Blenheim ¼ zip top with school logo
  • Plain black thermal base layer (in winter months)
  • Plain black gloves with hand grip (in winter months)

Girls’ Sports Uniform (clearly named)

  • Girls' or unisex Blenheim burgundy polo shirt with school logo
  • Girls' or unisex Blenheim black PE shorts with school logo
  • Blenheim long football socks OR plain black sports socks
  • Appropriate trainers for sports activities
  • Football boots with moulded blades or moulded studs
  • Shin pads and gumshield
  • Blenheim tracksuit bottoms with school logo
  • Blenheim ¼ zip top with school logo
  • Blenheim leggings with school logo OR plain black sports leggings
  • Plain black thermal base layer (in winter months)
  • Plain black gloves with hand grip (in winter months)
  • Plain black gloves with hand grip (in winter months)

Our uniform is available at reasonable prices from our nominated suppliers
Stevensons, The Old Spread Eagle, High Street, Epsom, KT19 8DN
Tel. 01372 742411.

A range of second-hand uniform and P.E. kit is also available to buy from our Preloved Uniform shop at a reduced rate, with proceeds going straight back into the school fund. This can be bought through our dedicated website.

Visit the preloved uniform website

We are always extremely grateful to receive good quality school uniform items and P.E. kit to re-sell. For families with many children, low-incomes and smaller families who do not have a hand-me-down option, buying new uniform is costly and the availability of second hand uniform can be a great service which benefits everyone, and to which everyone can contribute.

Where to deliver donations: Please wash all items and send them in a carrier bag to the main school reception. 

When to donate: Reception staff will accept donations at any time between 9.00am 3:30pm. Please make sure all items are freshly washed and good condition; we cannot resell items that are dirty, faded, ripped or worn out. 


Basic Equipment

The following items will be checked at the start of each day during period 1.

  • iPad fully charged x 1
  • Black biro x 2
  • Green biro x 2
  • Sharp HB pencil x 2
  • Pencil sharpener x 1
  • Pencil eraser x 1
  • Glue stick x 1
  • Clear pencil case x 1
  • Highlighter pen x 2
  • Ruler x 1
  • Protractor x 1
  • A Casio FX-85GTCW or FX-83GTCW scientific calculator*
  • Compass x 1
  • School scissors x 1

* Please note that the Casio FX-83-GT previously listed in the equipment list has been replaced by the newer models listed above. Students may continue to use their existing calculator but if buying a replacement please purchase the newer model.

For Technology lessons students will need;

  • A good set of colouring pencils (preferably blendable)
  • Fine (0.3/0.4mm) and medium (0.7-0.9 mm) black fibre tip pens

Please note that correction fluids such as Tipp-ex and permanent markers such as Sharpies are banned from school.

School Books

Students are issued bespoke Blenheim exercise books for each subject and they should ensure that the correct books are brought to school according to their timetable. Books should be looked after carefully and not drawn or graffitied on. If students lose a book, they must buy a new one and will be expected to copy up all notes into the new book.

Home School Agreement

Home and School Partnership Agreement

Our Home and School Partnership Agreement can be found in the Welcome Guide issued to students on joining Blenheim.

All students and parents are expected to support Blenheim’s values, ethos and expectations. Parents who reinforce clear expectations at home and who support the Academy give their son/daughter the best chance of realising their potential at school and protecting their future.

As a School we commit to:

  • Developing students through the medium of a growth mindset. i.e. encouraging hard work, resilience, innovation and improvement.
  • Upholding Blenheim’s ethos in all activities both within the formal curriculum and co-curricular activities, of growth mindset, Team Blenheim and excellent Teaching and Learning.
  • Providing a safe and caring environment where individual talent can be celebrated. Blenheim adheres to all safeguarding and equality legislation and guidance. (Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found on our website).
  • Working in partnership with parents.
  • Keeping parents informed.
  • Providing and having high expectations in terms of achievement, behaviour and appearance.

As a Student I commit to:

  • Being the best version of myself everyday.
  • Developing the good student habits detailed in the parent section below.
  • Constantly working to the best of my ability and believing in a growth mindset.
  • Wherever possible, attending school every day, on time and with the necessary equipment.
  • Treating others, and the school environment, with consideration and respect.
  • Taking an active part in the life of the school and making the most of enrichment activities.
  • Not posting images or video footage of either Blenheim staff, students, images of the school or the school name on any internet site without prior written consent from the Headteacher.
  • Wearing school uniform correctly and with pride at all times including on the way to and from school.
  • Behaving considerately towards others in the local community.
  • Sharing and celebrating my own success and the success of others in our community.

As a parent I commit to:

  • Publicly supporting the Academy, especially in front of my son/daughter, and privately criticising it. Undermining Blenheim staff almost always leads to poorer student performance and behaviour.
  • Insisting on the development of good student habits such as:

- Consistent daily routines including sleep patterns.

- Reading a book for 15 minutes every night before going to sleep.

- Ensuring there are no devices available to distract students when they are trying to sleep.

- Periodically checking homework.

- Agreeing what the minimum ATL grade will be for each progress report and then sanctioning or rewarding appropriately.

- Rewarding high levels of student attendance and punctuality.

- Financially paying for the repair or replacement of any school equipment or infrastructure that is damaged by my son/daughter.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones must not be used inside the school building. They must be switched off and placed in the student’s locker (years 7, 12 and 13) or bag (years 8, 9, 10 and 11). They may be used outside the school building before and after school.

There are strict sanctions for the misuse of mobile phones which will be confiscated if students are seen with them around school. If a mobile phone is confiscated three times students will receive a Leadership Team detention, four times and they must surrender their phone for a week and five times the student will spend time in the Reflection Room. Mobile phones are the responsibility of the student and the school cannot accept liability if a phone is broken, missing or lost in school.

Silver School Mental Health Award