Insurance and Warranty Claims

If an iPad develops a fault or is accidentally damaged and an insurance claim is necessary, please follow the link below to record all the relevant details.  It is important that students take the iPad to the IT Network Office as soon as possible if there is damage or a fault. 

Please note that where the damage or fault is not consistent with the details of the reported incident, an insurance claim may not be possible and the cost of the repair/replacement will be passed to the parents.  Please refer to the insurance policy document for cover details when you sign up.

Please note that loss and theft of an iPad is not covered by the insurance policy, nor is deliberate damage, eg. caused by carelessness.  To access the claim form, click the link below. Forms should be completed together with the student as they will need to log in using their school username and password.

Make an Insurance or Warranty Claim


Silver School Mental Health Award